Omg hello everyone =D this is my first time blogging about anything but I felt the need to blog about this... I love this movie... but it seems the people are not seeing what I see in the movie *sigh* look of course the Na'vi have a special bond with Nature and the animals on their planet but it goes even deeper than that... they have a connection with themselves as a race of Na'vi they love each other such love is possible on earth if we didn't have money lol notice they didn't have money and they lived in peace they hunted the food they ate they didn't have fast food or any unessassary things that humans today deem important for everyday life. People who have seen this movie sayy that want to make a change but I dont think they fully grasp the weight of what that really means.. you would have to give up a lot of things like fast food and a lot of store bought things like meat and it would mean showing extreme love to everybody around you and it will not be easy.....BUT I have made up my mind to try and hopefully I will the way is anyone elses fave song on the soundtrack #7?